Every person wants to save money for the future and other emergency expenses. They plan to invest in different financial products to earn decent returns to help them in the future. Since the future is unpredictable, it is always safer to start saving from the present day. Likewise, there are lesser chances of debts and repayment issues.
Investment options such as direct equity, SIP mutual fund, National Pension Scheme (NPS), Public Provident Fund (PPF), bank Fixed Deposit (FD), etc., provide excellent and guaranteed returns, depending upon the investor’s financial requirements. Though they may have to contribute a fixed amount, they are sure to get returns and see their investment multiply throughout their tenure.
Here are four advantages of investing in this financial product:
- Helps investors maintain discipline: A systematic investment plan is the best investment option for those without superior financial knowledge of how the market works. They do not have to spend their time analysing the market movements or choose an opportune moment to invest. Unlike lump sum investments, it ensures there are periodic payments and active participation towards the scheme.
- The rupee cost averaging factor: When investing in SIP continually for a longer period, individuals can take advantage of market volatility. With rupee cost averaging, the fixed investment amount averages out the value of each unit. It means investors can buy more units when the market is low, and vice-versa, making the average cost per unit low.
- The power of compounding: SIP plans help ensure investment discipline and continuously strive to make them grow. The automation provides the growth of investment, unlike lumpsum, where they may forget to invest for some time. The small amount invested daily grows up to a large corpus as a sum of the contribution and the returns compounded over the years.
- Ease of use: With a SIP investment, investors can relax. They can submit the application form online and initiate an auto-debit facility. A fixed amount of money goes towards the investment from their bank accounts throughout the tenure.
People can start investing in these plans at any time, ensuring minimum risk with the right scheme plan through mutual fund apps. They must choose a scheme that meets long-term investment goals also. Thus, there is no suitable time frame within which they should start investing. The sooner they decide to invest, the better it is for the future.