Earlier, getting financial assistance caused hesitancy in the minds of people. The burden of obligation stressed them out. But getting credit is no longer considered the last resort. Most applicants consider it wise to safeguard savings and get instant funds to meet financial demands. Whether it is for making big-budget purchases, financing emergencies, or fulfilling financial obligations, getting a Personal Loan is preferred.
Banks make it easier to apply for it through their websites and the Banking app. It gives you access to funds instantly with minimal paperwork, quick verification, and competitive Personal Loan interest rates. However, as lenders do not ask for collateral, they have stringent parameters to judge your eligibility. This impacts your application approval. Let us understand them in detail:
Existing liabilities
The Loan providers make it easier for you to manage the Loan with flexible repayment terms. They spread out the repayment in equated monthly instalments throughout the tenure. But this is only useful if you have sufficient funds to deploy for prepayment. In the presence of debts, it becomes challenging to manage an additional financial burden. Hence, if the amount of existing EMIs is higher, the Loan approval gets affected.
Your revenue is the prime factor affecting your repayment capacity. If you have a higher income, you are better positioned to distribute it. We all have monthly financial obligations like rent, bills, maintenance fees, and other expenses. Having limited earnings makes it a struggle to fulfil them.
Adding a Loan to the list is not feasible. Hence, lenders consider this aspect while evaluating your eligibility. You get to check the same and plan your application with eligibility and an EMI calculator.
Job stability
Since there is no collateral involved, banks rely on your repayment capacity to repay the Loan amount. Hence, they check your financial stability. Having a higher income does not mean anything if it is not secured. For this reason, they weigh your employment history and employer's reputation for assessing longevity. In the case of Personal Loan for self-employed, they factor in the years of business existence and profitability.
Credit score
It is the most important factor affecting your eligibility for Personal Loan. It depicts your repayment behaviour to them. This is crucial as that reflects the possibility of smooth repayment. A score is essentially a three-digit number ranging from 500 to 900. Ideally, having a ranking above 700 is considered favourable. If you have a higher score, the chances of approval increase and vice versa. Hence, check it beforehand to improve your profile.
Your age is an indicator of your financial stability. When you are younger, you have more working years left. This makes it easier to handle financial responsibilities. But this is not possible as you grow older. Hence, lenders prefer younger applicants.