Wednesday, February 13, 2019

5 Reasons a Banking App Is Preferred

Mobile and internet banking is becoming popular around the world. As the number of smart-phone users increases, more and more people prefer using apps for many reasons. Using a banking app to carry out financial transactions is now a necessity rather than a luxury. Moreover, as customers become more tech-savvy their expectations become higher. Banks which cannot keep up to their customers’ expectations usually lose out over competitors. Digitalisation has revolutionised financial technology and the best banks make the most of what technology has to offer. Here are some reasons why using an app is preferred over other options:

Easy to Use: The primary reason for customers to switch from traditional banking processes to using apps is, ease. An app provides a more engaging and seamless interaction between the customer and the bank. With a simple swipe or a tap, you can make bill payments, transfer funds, apply for products and make investments. No longer do you have to wait in long queues to open an account, an app facilitates instant bank account opening.

There may be some customers who still prefer visiting a physical bank branch. There are, however, millions who expect 24/7 services. With the use of internet, the world has become smaller and financial transactions have become more complex. With differing time-zones and demographics, people cannot afford to wait for regular banking hours to begin. With a banking app, millions of customers can carry out banking transactions at any time and from anywhere.

Better Mobility:
A few decades ago, customers who travelled frequently had to change their bank accounts based on the location. Now, with an app, your bank moves with you. No longer is there a need for closing and opening accounts, you can simply access your account with an app.

Paperless Transactions:
Using an app does away with the need to generate endless and unending piles of paperwork. Traditional banking practices involve plenty of documentation for any process. Which also means clutter and inventory to deal with. You can now carry out any banking transaction, even open a paperless saving account!

Real-Time Transactions:
Transactions through a banking app occur instantly. Be it checking your account balance, or more complex transactions like opening fixed deposits, all these take a few minutes.
Customers expect information on their finger-tips, be it computers, mobiles or any other smart device, information needs to be immediate. To keep up, banks need to continuously ramp-up their technology.

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